Saturday 21 January 2012

One day, a poor boy whowasbegging from door to doortofeed his hungry stomachdecidedhe would ask for a mealat the next house.However,helost his nerve when a lovelyyoung woman opened thedoor.Insteadof a meal, he askedfor acup of water. The womanthought he looked hungry,so shebrought him a large glass ofmilk. He drank it ... slowly, andthenasked,"How much do I oweyou?""You don't owe meanything,"shereplied."Mother has taught us,never to acceptpay fora kindness."He said....."Then Ithankyou from my heart".Years later,that young womanbecamecritically ill. The localdoctorswerebaffled as dey couldn'tcure her. They finally sent her tothebig city, where they calledinspecialists to study her rareillness. Dr Howard Kelly wascalledin for theconsultation.When he heard the name ofthetown she came from, astrange light filled his eyes.Immediately,he rose and went down thehallof the hospital to her room.He recognized her at once. Hewentback to the consultationroomdetermined to do his best tosaveher life. From that day hegave special attention tothe case.Aftera long struggle, thebattlewas won!!! Dr Kelly requested thebusiness office to pass thefinalbill to him for approval.Helookedat it, then wrote something onthe bill. It was sent to herroom.The woman feared openingit,forshe was sure it would take therest of her life to pay for itall.Finally she looked, andnoticedsomething was written at theedge of the note "Paid for infullfor a glass of milk". Tearsfilledher eyes as she immediatelyremembered ... Every formofkindness u sow doesn'tbounce, itreproduces itself. Notnecessarily before your eyes but italwaysdoes. I've been kind to youbysharing this story with youso be kind to share it with others

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