Thursday, 12 January 2012

The widow takes a look at herdear departed one right beforethe funeral and, to her horror,finds that he's in his brown suit.She'd specifically said to theundertaker that she wanted himburied in his blue suit; she'dbrought it especially for thatoccasion, and she was distressedthat the mortician had left him inthe same brown suit he'd beenwearing when the lightning bolthit him.She demanded that the corpsebe changed into the blue suitshe'd brought especially for thatpurpose. The undertaker said,"But madam! It's only a minuteor two until the funeral isscheduled to begin! We can'tpossibly take him out and gethim changed in that amount oftime.The lady said, "Who's paying forthis?" Seeing the logic to thisargument, a very reluctantmortician wheeled the coffin out,but then wheeled it right back ina moment later. Miraculously, thecorpse was in a blue suit.After the ceremony, a well-satisfied widow complimentedthe undertaker on the smoothand speedy service. She especiallywanted to know how he'd beenable to get her husband into ablue suit so fast. The funeraldirector said, "Oh, it was easy. Ithappens that there was anotherbody in the back room and hewas already dressed in a bluesuit. All we had to do was switchheads!

1 comment:

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